15 March 2012

Another day, another procedure...

Today is when we find out if surgery is in my near future or not.

Am I nervous? Who wouldn't be?! But I am so over this pain and I can't wait until it's fixed!

The procedure today is a discogram... basically they put contrast dye into my discs to re-create the pain. Apparently, it hurts. A lot. And can last up to 10 days. Awesome.

Here's a little overview:

sorry, it's a little hard to read!
 So that's my day today... Fun, right?


Evelien said...

Aww good luck girlie! I hope it doesn't hurt for 10 days :(

MonicaLeeBlog said...

Good luckkkk! Thinking about you, and hoping that the pain isnt as bad as you think it will be!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Good luck! Hopefully, they tell you some good news and that it won't be as bad as it could be.