13 March 2012

Weekend roundup...

I hope every one had a great weekend! Mine was a little better than normal because I actually got out of the house. Wait, what?! Yup, out of the house!

I had to work Saturday morning but after that my gorgeous friend, Kerri, and I went to the mall where we pretty much struck out. We are both very big shoppers yet nothing caught our eyes. Well, one dress in Wet Seal did but they didn't have my size ::enter sad face here::

But guess who found it online... THIS GIRL!

Sunday was spent running errands, standing in the middle of the road for 3 hours while chatting with a good friend who lives next to my parent's house, and this...

Say what you want, but this was a tragic event! Eventually, I was able to get it open. I think I sprained my thumb in the process but it's a small sacrifice to pay haha

And yesterday? Yesterday was absolutely beautiful! The day started with puppies baths... Fun, right? I love how fluffy and silly they look post-bath though

Later on in the day, my BFF and I went to the Columbia Trail to take a nice walk. I think I'm addicted to going there -- it's so beautiful and peaceful! The best part are the little gnome houses people put throughout the trail.

But now it's Tuesday and I'm back to work. Booooo!

Here's a little something to leave you with :-)

Pinned Image


lil desiqua said...

I don't know what's more tragic- the fact that you couldn't open the wine or that your phone was only on 2% battery! Dead phone= definite tragedy! But then again, you had wine so not so bad :)

Sounds like you had a great weekend!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Love that sign! Totally agree! Your dog is too cute!