29 March 2012

That's an awfully big package you got there... wink, wink

Who likes getting packages in the mail?

This girl.

And I was more than thrilled when I went to the post office the other day and saw a box from Tamara over at T times 3!

I won her awesome giveaway and I am so excited...

Isn't her handwriting gorge!

The goods!

Thanks again, Tamara!!!

So besides from that, nothing new has been happening over here. Spring came - then left - now is sort of back again.

Work is, well, work. Did I mention that through my job, I have to sue a second cousin of mine? Luckily we aren't that close!

I saw my pain management doctor today... I need to get a neurology consult then see a surgeon for my back. I know what you're thinking -- fun stuff, right! Oh, and I will gladly accept guest bloggers for if/when I get my surgery!

That's about it. I hope everyone enjoys their day... tomorrow's Friday!!!

27 March 2012

What's the point then...

I saw this while watching tv last night...

Let me zoom in for you...

That is all. Proceed with your day now.

26 March 2012

Sweet Home Alabama finale...

Who watched the Sweet Home Alabama finale Friday night?

Wow... didn't see that one coming. Well, that is until the final dates.

But based on their tweets, they seem extremely happy and that is what counts most.

My heart breaks though...

Dear Bubba,

You are a real gentleman and I have so much respect for you. Not only were you the best man throughout the whole season but you saved Paige the heartache of telling you that she loves Jeremiah. No worries though Bubba, I'll gladly marry you (sorry Beau!)

24 March 2012

Puppies and planes, oh my!

So what did I do yesterday? Oh you know, just the usual... transported some puppies in an airplane.

Wait -- hold on -- back up. Puppies???

Yes, puppies.

2 adult dogs and 9 puppies.

And what makes it even better was that yesterday happened to be National Puppy Day. We had been trying to do the transport for a week but the weather just wasn't working out. It was meant to be though!

But I know you could care less about what I have to say so without further ado, our flight...

These pups should have no problem getting adopted. They are adorable! I was tempted to get one.

Last time we did a rescue transport, we had a stowaway...

Ok, so not really a stowaway. The pilot decided he needed a souvenir -- and a cute one she is!

The organization is so great though. What better way to save some puppy lives!
Check them out and spread the word!

22 March 2012

It's ok Thursday...

I haven't done an 'It's Ok' in a while and since I only have random thoughts today, I figured I'd link up.

It's ok... that I barely slept last night. Normally I would complain but both girls snuggled with me all night, keeping me company.

It's ok... that I'm wearing flip flops in mid-March. After all, it will be close to 80* today.

It's ok... that I've been screening my calls lately. So many wedding vendors have been calling me and it's getting annoying. If I don't know your number, expect to get my voicemail.

It's ok... that I'm looking at surgeons 9 hours away from my house. I'm only 23, I want need the best!

It's ok... that I haven't eaten breakfast yet. No wait, that's not ok... I'm starving.

It's ok... that my DVR has many unwatched shows on it. I'll be catching up this weekend.

It's ok... that I haven't read The Hunger Games. I'm not huge into reading and it just doesn't seem like something I'd enjoy. In other words, I'm not wasting my money on the books since I probably will read one chapter and quit. Maybe I'll see the movie once that comes out.

I hope to be blogging more regularly soon. I just have to get some things with my back straightened out first! Enjoy your Thursday... one more day until the weekend!

PS: Did you see me featured as a baby blogger on The Bargain Blonde?

16 March 2012

The pain we feel lets us know we're alive...

Yesterday was my discogram and as odd as it sounds, we wanted bad news. Bad news meant that we finally know what direction to go in with my care.

As I'm lying on the table in the OR, he gives me one injection... Not too bad, just some pressure.

Same with the second.

Then he did another injection. That was when I instantly started to bawl my eyes out and apparently my heart rate spiked -- it was such an intense pain that it's unexplainable. The anesthesiologist even made me stay on the table for a little while until my heart rate went down.

I finally got to recovery where the doctor came to speak with my mom and I. The injection site that killed me was my L4,5 disc which we knew was bulging. Based on the pain felt he said that I would be a good candidate for disc replacement and gave me the name of a few surgeons he recommends. He told me this even before I had the CT done - which we are still waiting for the results of.

The 3 injection sites... lines from my shirt... and spots where
the doctor drew on me that I can't get off haha

The put the darn IV in my wrist... MY WRIST!?!

Luckily for me though, I have a wonderful support system including my neighbor who has been through similar experiences. I don't know what I'd do without this girl!

But in the meantime - while we're waiting for this all to happen - this is my life:

Where I spend all day and night.
Even with these 4 pillows, I still can't get comfortable because of the pain level.

She knows I'm hurting and has been snuggling all day.

Looks like I'll be missing out on St. Patty's Day this year

(unless someone wants to bring the party to me!)

15 March 2012

Another day, another procedure...

Today is when we find out if surgery is in my near future or not.

Am I nervous? Who wouldn't be?! But I am so over this pain and I can't wait until it's fixed!

The procedure today is a discogram... basically they put contrast dye into my discs to re-create the pain. Apparently, it hurts. A lot. And can last up to 10 days. Awesome.

Here's a little overview:

sorry, it's a little hard to read!
 So that's my day today... Fun, right?

14 March 2012

Pinteresting Wednesday...

I feel like I haven't linked up with Michelle in a while! So here we go :-)


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Penis related... (don't ask)

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For the home...

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13 March 2012

Weekend roundup...

I hope every one had a great weekend! Mine was a little better than normal because I actually got out of the house. Wait, what?! Yup, out of the house!

I had to work Saturday morning but after that my gorgeous friend, Kerri, and I went to the mall where we pretty much struck out. We are both very big shoppers yet nothing caught our eyes. Well, one dress in Wet Seal did but they didn't have my size ::enter sad face here::

But guess who found it online... THIS GIRL!

Sunday was spent running errands, standing in the middle of the road for 3 hours while chatting with a good friend who lives next to my parent's house, and this...

Say what you want, but this was a tragic event! Eventually, I was able to get it open. I think I sprained my thumb in the process but it's a small sacrifice to pay haha

And yesterday? Yesterday was absolutely beautiful! The day started with puppies baths... Fun, right? I love how fluffy and silly they look post-bath though

Later on in the day, my BFF and I went to the Columbia Trail to take a nice walk. I think I'm addicted to going there -- it's so beautiful and peaceful! The best part are the little gnome houses people put throughout the trail.

But now it's Tuesday and I'm back to work. Booooo!

Here's a little something to leave you with :-)

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10 March 2012

Lucky like a four leaf clover...

While browsing a website with blog prompts on it, I came across this one:

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day looming ahead write a poem about a time you got lucky.
source: http://www.mamakatslosinit.com/2012/02/put-your-drinks-up/

Most people would think about a time they found a lucky penny or hit the mega-millions.

But with my dirty mind... I go to a time I got lucky -- if you catch my drift.

Let's be real though, I have family that reads my blog. Plus I suck at writing poems. Unless it's a haiku. I think I can handle three lines. But we won't go there!

So a time I got lucky...

There's the time I gave my daddy the puppy dog eyes and bottom lip and got to go to Germany for 10 days.

Or the time I slept off a double concussion and still woke up.

The day I met Beau. No wait, HE'S the lucky one in that situation!

Once I got suspended from middle school. I know what you're thinking, that's not lucky! But it was because I got out-of-school suspension instead of in-school. The teachers gave me my homework the day I left so I did it all that night and got a 4 day vacation. Score!

Lucky could include the time my car slid in the snow and as I was headed for a huge tree, a rock stopped me and just cracked my bumper.

I always consider myself lucky when I get a tattoo and the spelling is all correct!

But I must say, the luckiest day of my life was the day I was born. I have such an amazing family who are always there for me, good or bad. We may not always get along but in the end, we can always count on each other.

Lucky, indeed!

08 March 2012

Life and television catch up...

I know, I know. Bad blogger!

Life has just been crazy and my mind is somewhere else. Hopefully I can get back in the swing of things soon... hopefully.

Yesterday was a good day though. My bestest (guy) friend and I went for a walk and let me tell you, it took its toll on me! Because of my back I have been so out of shape. So after our 6 mile walk - which turned into a hike at one point - I woke up this morning barely able to move my back, hips, and knees. The downside of being a 23 year old in a 50 year old's body!

We walked down next to the bridge to enjoy the moment.
Well, enjoy it as good as I could since he was jokingly going to push me in the river!

Even though I've been mentally somewhere else, I've still been enjoying my trash TV though!

It was a good season premier but I was a little disappointed. So much happened in just one episode! A hurricane came and left, Denise went into a coma and came out of it, Fort Marshall isn't closing anymore... I just thought it was a little much. Then again, it was a 2-hour premier so I suppose they did what they had to.

Maybe it's just me but I am SO tired of one new episode then reruns for 3 weeks. It's quite annoying wanting to see what happens next and having to wait weeks to know.

This is one new show that I am highly addicted to. If you haven't seen it, I recommend you do. Here is the plot via IMDb:

"For the longest time, ever since the prison facility closed down and the remaining hard-core loner prisoners had been evacuated in a final transport, none of the visitors of the small island of Alcatraz seemed to give a thought to their common final fate.

Suddenly, the fog around these criminals is being pierced. One by one, another specialized law-violator with a purpose is being seen in present-day San Francisco, where the newly recruited partnership of a dedicated law officer with an unusually skilled Alcatraz savant faces a plate full of secrets, violence, previously unknown scientific occurrences and interrelated, deep-rooted grudges by police, guards & criminals alike."

The show keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time and keeps you interested. Plus, it makes me want to fly to SF to visit The Rock!

What the heck?! Abby barely yelled at them this week. You know that's why people watch the show... who wouldn't want to see her yell at little kids and make them cry? I was shocked at the costume choice this week which made me think that they wouldn't win. And guess what, they didn't. That's going a little too far, Abby!

Um, holy crapola! I don't want to give away too much since a lot of you may have DVR'd it and will watch it tonight but oh my gosh. And the ending - what happened with Clay and with Brooke - killed me!

Sons of Guns was also on last night but I didn't have a chance to watch the whole thing... I have to finish it tonight so I can see the integrally suppressed .50 cal completed. 

Tonight I am finally - after 7 months of having to do laundry at my parents house - getting a new washer and dryer! The ones we had broke last August when our basement flooded from the hurricane. It will be so nice to not have to lug our laundry here and there!

So that's been my life, for the most part, this week. Today I am stuck at work but I have the windows open enjoying the 60-degree weather (with a high of 70 today!!!!)

Hello, spring!