
03 January 2013

You are never too old to set another goal...

I hope everyone had a great NYE/NYD. Mine was wonderful (although that feeling ended on my long drive back to NJ yesterday - which most of you probably know based on my instagram pics). I'm not one to make resolutions because lets face it, they'll be broken by January 15th. Instead, I'm following in the footsteps of other bloggers and making goals for myself for 2013...

I think they are all possible - well, the back/hip one is a stretch but I'm going to try - and I am excited to put my mind toward reaching them! What are your 2013 resolutions/goals?

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
C.S. Lewis


  1. Those are some great goals! I wish I had the courage to start running... I'll keep it on walking for now haha :)

  2. I'm sure can accomplish your goals!!! Glad you had a great time in VA!

  3. I like your goals. Travel with my boy is one too!

  4. Great goals! I need to set some for myself this year!!

    I nomimated you for an award on my blog! Check it out and play along!

  5. Such good goals! I'm trying to work out my back and hip issues too and I'm hoping to run another 5K this summer! Good luck with your training!

