
18 January 2013

A case of the happies and crappies...

I was excited to read about this new linkup on Sarah's blog and I think one of the main things that attracted me was the title. So without further adiu...

Scissors and a Whisk: Happies and Crappies Link Up
- NJ experienced some spring weather this week. It was amazing.
- My new fireside scented Woodwick candle. Bonus: It was on sale for 50% off.
- Two of my best friends had birthdays this week... Happy birthday pretties!
- Seeing Kristin's face when I gave her a gorgeous Alex & Ani bracelet for her birthday.
(yup, we both cried)
- Finally getting the house pretty much back to normal - and clean - after the holidays.

- Still having mice in the house. Or more specifically, the kitchen. I'm tempted to get a cat.
- Dealing with slumlords... I'm beyond ready to move.
Have a great weekend everyone! Mine will be spent working and sleeping. It's ok to be jeaous.


  1. Oh no, you have mice?! Eep! I hope they're nicely removed soon. And yay for things getting back to normal after the holidays. Feels good, right?

    Happy Saturday!

  2. I would freak about the mice! I'm dealing with ants! ugh!

  3. We went from spring temps to below freezing. Go figure!

  4. Happies and Crappies must be the best weekly thing I've ever seen in. my. life. And I can totally relate to having a shitty landlord. My husband isn't too thrilled about renewing our lease, but I love the area too much!!

    Stop by and say hi sometime,
