
29 April 2014

: an opinion or suggestion

noun \əd-ˈvīs\
: an opinion or suggestion about what someone should do

After talking about my newest tattoo, I've had a few people message me asking for tips about getting a tattoo. So here you are folks...

Disclaimer: I am not a tattoo artist nor am I a professional or expert. This is based solely off my tattoo experience.

  • Do your research! Make sure the tattooist is licensed and the shop is legit. 
  • Use common sense when picking a design. Small details will one day become blurred no matter how good the artist is.
  • Please don't get your significant other's name unless you've been together 50+ years. It'll be a beeatch to get removed or covered once he breaks your heart.
  • Placement. Placement. Placement. 

Day Of:
  • Wear comfortable clothes. Depending on how large the tattoo is, you may be sitting there for a while.
  • Personally, I like to bring my own pillow. I've been in many different positions when getting tattooed and I don't want to be lying on the same pillow that 1,000 others have used.
  • Take acetaminophen before going. It'll help. A little.
  • Make sure you watch the artist open a new needle. If it's a good shop, they'll automatically do it in front of you.

  • A few hours after you get home, wash it with Dial Antibacterial Soap (the gold one). Do not re-bandage; airing it out will help the healing process. Wash your tattoo 3-4 times a day. My rule of thumb was when I woke up, after I got home from work, and right before bed. 
  • Do not take a bath, go in a swimming pool/hot tub, or soak that body part for a couple of weeks. Make sure it's fully healed before doing so.
  • Keep it moist! For the first 5-7 days, use A&D Ointment or Aquaphor. Once it begins to peel is when I switch to Lubriderm Fragrance Free Lotion. 
  • Artists will tell you to not cover your tattoo with a bandage after he/she initially does. Personally, I prefer it to be covered if I'm wearing tighter clothing to prevent it from rubbing. I've had zero problems with this however everyone is different.
  • Once your new tattoo starts to peel, don't pick or scratch at it! Pulling pieces off can pull ink out, leaving you with a fudged up tattoo. Although it should be a given, don't shave that area for a few days. Your skin is trying to heel itself, shaving can cut it and delay the process.
  • Show that bad boy off!

Good luck folks! 

If you're in the Western NJ/Eastern PA area, I have some artist recommendations. Email me at 90percentblonde[at]gmail[dot]com for names and shop info.

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